Aromatherapy Resources and Links
Schools of the Healing Arts
Online Clinical Aromatherapy Classes from Dr. Power's Highlands School of Natural Healing - Outstanding Professional Education in Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Online Aromatherapy courses taught by Dr. Joie Power with other courses available soon from other well qualified instructors in the field of alternative medicine.
Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Products
Artisan Aromatics - Professional Quality Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Blends (developed by Dr. Joie Power), Aromatherapy Inhalers and Diffusers, and much, much more.
Artisan Aromatics - Clincal Division - Professional Quality Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Blends (developed by Dr. Joie Power) especially for Clinics, Hospitals and other Healthcare Facilities.
Healing Arts Links - Dr. Joie Power: Neuropsycholgist, Aromatherapist, Teacher, Author & Director of The Aromatherapy School - Satya Center, alternative health and healing - NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) - A professional Aromatherapy Orgnanization - Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, Asheville NC - The Herb Research Foundation provides science-based information on medicinal plants - Pass the National Examination for Aromatherapy and become an RA (Registered Aromatherapist)
Alternative Health Directory - Listing of Alternative Health Resources
Yoga Asanas - The comprehensive list of Yoga Asanas, their meaning and way to use them for regular meditation and yoga practices.
Aromatherapy Workshops for Healthcare Providers - A Thumbtack link to the Aromatherapy School. - Useful Info on Aromatherapy.
Health / Herbal Related Products and Services - 100% Pure Essential Oils direct from Artisan Distillers / Therapeutic Quality Essential Oils - BullRyder Body Balm - Fast and effective pain relief for back pain, neck and shoulder pain - Guaranteed!
Herbs & Oils from Mountain Rose - Great source for Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Products NOT provided by The Aromatherapy School
Seasonal Affective Disorder - Alaska Northern Lights provides light boxes, bright light therapy as recommended by doctors to provide the most effective SAD lights on the market.
Natural Remedies - Natural remedies can be used to effectively treat a range of ailments.
ENHANCED HEALING - Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self-esteem.
Gluten Free Recipes - A Gluten Free food blog with hundreds of healthy and easy to prepare recipes, great photos and tips by Carol Kicinski
Fish oil nordic naturals - Natural Health Trust offers a huge range of products to support a healthy life. Besides this we are a big supporter of school based environmentalism.
Friends and Other Interesting Links - George Poirier, Uranian Astrology (he's the real deal) - Professional looking labels with any inkjet or laser printer - quick and easy service & free label software too.
Library - Questia Library, Trusted Online Research. Access full-text books, journals and articles online. Research made easy!
Used Textbooks - Our purpose at is to assist you in finding extremely cheap college books. Don't waste your hard earned money by giving it to the campus bookstore. Many students using our site have saved over 95% off their textbooks by price comparing the major online college textbook stores.
Asheville Organic Farm - Fantastic Organic Farm FOR SALE near Asheville NC.
Technical Contributor Link - Web Design and SEO, specialiazing in small businesses. Simple, Quick Inexpensive and All Inclusive.
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