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Aromatherapy Newsletter Archives

June 2011, V.3, No.6

The Aromatherapy School

Next Level I Workshop: Aug 6-7
Save $50.00 - Sign up Before July 6th
Bring a Friend & Get $25.00 Rebate
Massage Therapists Earn 15 CEs for Each Level

Essential Oils for the Skin - Part 2

In this newsletter:

  • Aromatherapy Workshop Schedule: Levels I, II & III in Asheville - Register BEFORE 7/6/11 & Save $50.00.
  • Essential Oils for the Skin - Part 2: Lavender, Myrrh, Patchouli, Peppermint, Tea Tree
  • Essential Oils Discount: Artisan Aromatics offer discounts of 10% to Practitioners & 20% to Studentsli>
  • Meet the Editor: Dr. Power is now the Aromatherapy Featured Guest Editor for All Things Healing

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Two-Day Weekend Aromatherapy Workshops in Asheville

About The Aromatherapy School & Dr. Joie Power

    Level I: Foundations of Aromatherapy (for Healing Arts Practitioners)
    • Asheville NC: August 6-7
    Level II: Creating Essential Oil Blends (for use in Clinical Settings)
    • Asheville NC: September 10-11
    Level III: Clinical Practice in Healthcare Settings
    • Asheville NC: October 22-23

Cost for each two-day workshop is $245.00 Early / $295.00 Late (less than 30 days prior) - Reserve your seat for only $145.00.

Bring a friend and get a $25.00 rebate - see registration page for more details.

All of the above workshops will be at Dr. Power's Farm near Asheville - Quite a beautiful spot about 30 min SE of Asheville / 20 min. S. of Black Mountain / 15 min. N. of Bat Cave.

More workshop info: Workshop Info  |  Info about Dr. Power: About Dr. Joie Power  |  Registration Info: Registration


To sign-up, click: Register for Aromatherapy Workshops

All Things Healing has a new Aromatherapy Editor

Dr. Joie Power - Aromatherapy Editor for All Things Healing

Check out the new Aromatherapy Editor for All Things Healing is a great resource providing lots of valuable (and free) info so be sure to visit their website.

While you're at it, check out the Satya Center ( The Satya Center's latest newsletter featured Dr. Power's article on the history of Aromatherapy. Jane Sherry, editor of the Satya Center newsletter, just published Dr. Power's article in the Center's latest newsletter and then enhanced the article with some new graphics and gave it a permanent home on the Satya Center's website:

Essential Oils for the Skin - Part 2


THE SKIN: Essential Oils are of benefit to the skin because their solubility in lipids draws them readily into the skin and allows them to diffuse and penetrate in the skin. Their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, emollient, analgesic, and healing properties are of direct benefit, while calming, immunostimulating, detoxifying properties support the correction and healing of underlying causative processes.

Since skin disorders are often the first indication of systemic imbalance, it is important to treat at the systemic level (food allergy, chronic stress) since failure to do so may cause the ailment to go deeper and manifest as a more serious complaint.

For this reason, essential oils should be used as adjuncts to a broader treatment approach or they will be no better than mainstream suppressive therapy.

Last month we covered Acne - This month the series on the skin continues with Athlete's Fungus and Ringworm.

ATHLETES FOOT AND RINGWORM: Fungal infections of the foot (Athletes Foot) or on other body areas (ringworm). Athletes foot and fungal infection of the groin often occur together. Athletes Foot and groin infections are often associated with excessive perspiration. All forms of Tinea are infectious. Ringworm is often caught from animals (as well as people). Both can be aggravated by warm, moist conditions or poor hygiene. Severe or recurring cases are indicative of run-down health in general.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): antifungal, anti-inflammatory, calming, cicatrisant, tonic (general).
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha): anti-inflammatory, antifungal, sedative, tonic.
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin): antifungal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita): analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, digestive, hepatic stimulant, soothing (to skin). Do not use with children and babies; an ointment with menthol applied to baby's nose area has been reported to cause instant collapse. NOTE: Although peppermint herb is calming, peppermint essential oil is stimulating.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, neurotonic.
Incorporate relaxing essential oils and immune stimulating essential oils as needed.
METHODS OF USE: aromatic vinegar; ointment; neat applications of 1 to 2 drops of lavender or tea tree; diluted in water (90% water / 10% essential oil) and sprayed on.
RELATED HERBAL REMEDIES: Echinacea, garlic. Address immune function and toxicosis.
SUPPLEMENTS: acidophilus, multi-vitamin, zinc, Vit. A, fish oil.
OTHER: Expose affected areas to air and light when possible (do not over-expose to sunlight). Avoid socks, hosiery and underwear made of synthetics. Avoid sugar and excess carbs. Watch closely. In people who are immunocompromised this can spread quickly.

*This information is provided for educational interest only and is not intended for the diagnosis, management, treatment, or cure of any mental or physical illness.

More articles on website: Aromatherapy Articles  |  Newsletter Archive on website: Newsletter Archive

Artisan Aromatics: Our Choice for Therapeutic Quality Essential Oils

Essential Oils

10-20% Discounts for Practitioners and Students: Artisan Aromatics ( has over 40 essential oils uploaded to their online shop and are adding more each month. They offer a growing selection of professional quality essential oils and absolutes including Gardenia, Rose, Tuberose, Lavender, Tea Tree, Ylang Ylang, etc.). Artisan Aromatics offers a 10% discount to Healing Arts Practitioners. To receive Practitioner Discount, enter Practitioner1011 in the Coupon Code box when you check out. Current and former students receive a 20% discount: enter Student2011 in the Coupon Code Box when you check out.

Earn 10% with each purchase: each time you make an online purchase, you earn 10% that you can use for your next online purchase.

In addition to individual Essential Oils and Absolutes, Artisan Aromatics has created two Aromatherapy Kits exclusively for The Aromatherapy School (buying the kit saves 5%). Each kit (for Level I & Level II) contains all the oils covered in each level. Students are not required to purchase the kits but, if you are in need of a number of essential oils, Artisan Aromatics has made these professional quality essential oil kits available at a discount: 10% off for Healing Arts Practitioners / 20% off for all current and former students of The Aromatherapy School.

Your feedback is important to us so please let us know if you feel that changes should be made in content or format or if there are any topics that you'd like us to cover.


Joie Power, Ph.D., Dir.
The Aromatherapy School

To Read other Newsletters from The Aromatherapy School, click: Aromatherapy Newsletter List

Dr. Power is a retired board certified neuropsychologist and former Assistant Professor of Surgery/Neurosurgery at the Medical College of Georgia, where she performed intra-operative cortical mapping with renowned neurosurgeon Herman Flanigan, M.D. She has over 20 years of clinical experience in both in-patient and out-patient settings and during her years of practice has also been both a practitioner and student of alternative healing methods, including herbal medicine, aromatherapy, Reiki, Chinese Medicine, and other energetic healing systems. Her extensive formal training and experience in the olfactory and limbic systems of the brain give her a unique qualification for understanding the actions of essential oils in the body. Dr. Power, founder of one of the earliest essential oil companies in the U.S. to specialize in therapeutic quality essential oils, is now a clinical consultant for Artisan Aromatics as well as an internationally known writer and teacher in the fields of aromatherapy and alternative medicine. Her approach to aromatherapy weaves together her solid scientific training and strong clinical skills with a holistic philosophy that honors body, mind and spirit. Dr. Joie Power is also the author of The Quick Study Guide to Aromatherapy and numerous published articles on aromatherapy and related topics.

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